Chief Judge Bonnie Helms | Holly Elomina, Trial Court Administrator

Court Reporting Procedures

Procedure For Ordering Certified Digital Copies of Proceedings

  • Electronic copies or audio files of proceedings can be obtained from any of our Digital Court Reporters in each of our three locations:  Key West, Marathon, or Plantation Key.  These copies do not represent the official record and cannot be used in subsequent court proceedings.
  • Electronic copies or audio files of proceedings that are statutorily exempt shall be provided by Court Order only.
  • The cost for an audio file is $25.  Our offices do not accept cash or credit/debit cards.  Payment must be made payable to the State of Florida and must be delivered before the requested audio file can be released.
  • Failure to include all necessary information on the Audio Request Form and/or the Prohibition Against Dissemination will result in a delay of your request.
  • Requests will be processed in a timely manner once the necessary information contained in the Audio Request Form and/or the Prohibition Against Dissemination are received and payment is received by the Digital Court Reporter.
  • If you are an attorney of record or a party involved in the case, completely fill in all information and sign the Prohibition Against Dissemination form.
  • Deliver the completed Audio Request Form and/or signed Prohibition Against Dissemination form to your nearest courthouse or courthouse where proceedings took place.  If you reside outside of Monroe County, please send your request to the Court Reporting Services Manager, Monica Brawer, in Key West.  Please see list of Digital Court Reporters for address and contact information.
  • When the request is received, a staff member will verify the dates requested.  You will be contacted shortly thereafter with any follow-up questions, estimated completion date, and payment instructions.
  • When picking up the audio file, a staff member may ask to verify your identity.  Please bring a valid government-issued ID with you.

You will need to download and install the compatible player from in order to listen to audio files.   Please select the DCR player (not the DCR2).


Ordering Forms

NOTICE:  All audio files obtained from Court Reporting Services are certified copies.