Chief Judge Bonnie Helms | Holly Elomina, Trial Court Administrator

General Magistrate - Holly Aliprandi

General Magistrate Holly Aliprandi

Plantation Key Courthouse
Plantation Key Government Center
88770 Overseas Highway
Suite 1
Tavernier, FL 33070

General Magistrate Holly Aliprandi presides over family, circuit civil, mental health, and probate matters. Magistrate Aliprandi was appointed in December of 2023. Before becoming Magistrate, Holly Aliprandi served as managing attorney for the Guardian ad Litem office of the 16th Judicial Circuit. Holly Aliprandi graduated from the University of Miami School of Law and practiced law for 20 years. She was a solo practitioner in family law, estate planning, and probate prior to joining the Guardian ad Litem office.

Communications with Magistrate’s Office

All emails and telephonic communications should be directed to the appropriate case manager, either via telephone or by e-mail, and should be limited to scheduling matters or questions regarding the proposed recommended orders/report and recommendation of the General Magistrate. All written communications to the court must be copied to all parties and counsel. Parties and counsel must refrain from ex-parte communications with the court regarding substantive matters in pending cases and disagreements with opposing parties and/or counsel.

Remote Hearing
Access Code:
No Passcode Required

Links to Helpful Forms and Instructions

Remote Hearings

Zoom Meeting Information

  • Zoom meeting ID: 989 1485 6399 and No Passcode
  • Pursuant Rule of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.530, certain court proceedings may continue to be conducted remotely via audio-video conferencing through “Zoom”.  Generally, this division schedules the following matters to be conducted via Zoom:  Uniform Motion Calendar hearings, Child Support Calendar hearings, hearings under two hours, and any hearings specifically requested by motion and granted.  All hearings conducted via Zoom will be audio-recorded.

Before the Day of Your Hearing

  • You will need an electronic device such as a desktop or laptop computer, smartphone, or tablet that has a camera and microphone, an email account, and a reliable internet connection. ALL USERS MUST BE ABLE TO CONNECT TO AUDIO AND VIDEO AND MUST BE ABLE TO USE THEIR MICROPHONE FOR HEARINGS.
  • For desktop computers and laptops, you will not need to download the Zoom software. Using a desktop computer or laptop, go to and click join in the top right corner of the screen. To ensure that you will be able to smoothly join the hearing before the day of, enter the Zoom meeting ID and try to join the meeting.
  • Using a mobile device, find the Zoom app in the Play Store for Android devices or in the App Store for Apple Devices. Download the app to install it to your device. Once the application for your mobile device is installed, open the app and create an account. After logging in, you will be able to use Zoom for free. To ensure that you will be able to smoothly join the hearing before the day of, enter the Zoom meeting ID and try to join the meeting.
  • If you are unable to use the Zoom application, you may dial in on your phone to connect to the call. This is NOT permitted, however, for Final Hearings or Evidentiary Hearings. Find your local number: and when prompted to enter an ID, enter #98914856399 to enter the hearing.
  • Your Zoom participant name MUSTreflect your full legal name so that you may be properly identified and routed by the General Magistrate.
  • Allow enough time in advance of your hearing to familiarize yourself with how to use Zoom.

On the Day of Your Hearing

  • To ensure you have a good connection, please connect to the Zoom hearing at least 10 minutes before the hearing is scheduled to begin.
  • Please be aware that other hearings may be going on while you are in the waiting room and that the previous hearing may go over their allotted time. If you have been waiting for more than 10 minutes past your scheduled hearing time, reach out to the case manager to ensure you are in the right Zoom meeting and that the wait is solely because of the hearing before yours.
  • When your hearing is called, the Magistrate will admit you to the hearing. You will then be prompted to connect to audio and turn on your camera. Unless you are connected to audio, we will not be able to hear you and therefor cannot conduct the hearing.
  • Please be mindful that although it is a Zoom meeting, you are still in Court and should act and dress appropriately. Minimize sound in the background, be seated and present, and DO NOT be operating a vehicle during the hearing.

Consequences for a failure to appear:

  • A court hearing held on Zoom, like a court hearing held in person, is an official court event subject to consequences for a failure to appear at the hearing. If you fail to appear at your properly noticed hearing on Zoom, the consequences, depending on the type of case, may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
    • Cancellation of your hearing.
    • Conduct and resolution of the hearing without your participation.
    • Dismissal of your case if you are a petitioner or counter-petitioner (i.e., the person who file a petition or counter-petition).
    • Entry of a judgment against you (referred to as a “default judgment”) if you are a defendant (i.e., the person who is sued).
    • Penalties such as fines, jail time, and suspension of your driver’s license.


Family Case Managers:

Plantation Key and Marathon
Shelby Porter
(305) 853-7387

Key West
Vanndaley Fowler
(305) 295-3643


Civil Case Managers:

Plantation Key
Denise Moore
(305) 853-7383

Laura Goodman
(305) 289-2870

Key West
Marisa Parra
(305) 295-3645


Probate Case Managers:

Plantation Key
Denise Moore
(305) 853-7383

Laura Goodman
(305) 289-2870

Key West
Rosario Barrett
(305) 292-3429