Chief Judge Bonnie Helms | Holly Elomina, Trial Court Administrator

Law Day 2025

Each year on May 1st, the United States observes “Law Day” to celebrate our legal system and the fundamental freedoms we enjoy as Americans. In recognition of this occasion, the 16th Judicial Circuit and the Monroe County Bar Association invite students from Monroe County, Florida—including those in public, private, and home schools—to participate in this year’s Law Day Contest.

We encourage the K-12 students to participate in the contest. It is crucial for our community’s youth to understand our legal system, as they will one day shape its future. This year’s theme, The Constitution’s Promise: Out of Many, One, highlights our shared responsibilities under the Constitution and the democratic principles that unite us. It also, highlights how the Constitution upholds justice and civic responsibility, emphasizing the role of duties like jury service in ensuring fairness and equality under the law.

You will find the links below for the rules and registration forms for the two Law Day contests. The contests include:

  • A classroom poster/banner contest for students in kindergarten through 5th grade
  • A poster contest for students in grades 6 through 12

The entry deadline for all contests is Friday, April 4, 2025. The winners will be announced on April 15th and will receive their prizes soon thereafter, courtesy of the Monroe County Bar Association.

As part of the Law Day celebration, we invite classes to visit one of the courthouses to observe a court proceeding or participate in a mock trial. This interactive event allows students to engage with legal professionals in our community. Participants will have the opportunity to take on roles such as witnesses, judges, attorneys, or jurors in an actual courtroom setting, gaining firsthand experience with basic court procedures and trial elements.

We look forward to receiving entries from the students of Monroe County students. If you have any questions about the contest or would like to arrange a courthouse visit, please do not hesitate to contact Cheryl Alfonso at or  (305) 295-3652. If you need banner paper or would like us to pick up the posters, we can arrange a picked up from your school.

Thank you for your support in making Law Day a meaningful experience for our students.

Rules and Entry Forms:

Law Day Poster Banner Contest K-5

Law Day Poster Contest 2025 – Middle and High School Flyer