Congratulations to Isis Majeska, Supervising Court Interpreter (Certified), for being selected as the Employee of the Quarter for January – March 2024. Since Isis’s employment with the 16th Circuit in April 1999, she has proven, time and again, to be a valuable asset to the Court Administration team and the 16th Judicial Circuit as a whole.
As the supervising interpreter, Isis not only manages the operations of the Court Interpreter unit and assists with interpreting and translating assignments, but she also assists with ADA accommodations, courthouse safety, urinalysis drug testing, quarterly jury trial reports and preparing the six-month calendars for the Marathon and Plantation Key judges.
In addition to going over and above her job description, Isis’s commitment to the Circuit and our community is reflected in other ways, such as rescheduling her vacations to assist the court and proactively communicating with staff when she’s away. As a perennial cost-saving measure, Isis introduced many years ago that staff interpreters attend weekend first appearances, rather than paying outside contracted interpreters.
Our 16th Judicial Circuit mission statement reads in part: “Each individual employee in our Circuit is here to see that justice is served.” And Isis, due to her tireless efforts and the many hats she wears for the Circuit, makes certain that justice is served on a daily basis. Isis is not required by her job description to assist in many of these extra duties; she does it by choice. Because Isis understands the success of a team is dependent on the success of every individual who works for the circuit.
Isis’s dedication and professionalism, along with her willingness to do what it takes to get the job done make her a valuable member of the team. The 16th Judicial Circuit is grateful for her contributions and congratulates her on this well-deserved recognition.